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Animals With Strong Arms

Ants and Beetles are Surprisingly Strong

Strongest Animals in the World

Tiny creatures can lift 15 times their body weight

Some of the smallest creatures - such as ants and beetles show incredible strength when compared to their body. A strong person can lift about 15 times their body weight. Ants can lift 50 times their body weight and beetles can lift 100 times their weight.

This strength is due to the way these creatures' muscles are structured. Their muscles are made up of a special type of protein that is very strong. This protein is also found in the muscles of other animals, but it is much more concentrated in ants and beetles.

This strength allows ants and beetles to do amazing things. They can carry objects that are much larger than themselves. They can also dig tunnels that are many times their body length. This strength is essential for these creatures' survival. It allows them to find food, build homes, and defend themselves from predators.
